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Community Thanksgiving Service
The Niceville community invites everyone to a shared Thanksgiving service at First Presbyterian Church located at 1800 E. John Sims Pkwy.

Covenant and Calling
In this devotion, Pastor David explains God's covenant and Moses' calling.

One Man, One Woman
Why did God permit polygamy? In this devotion, Pastor David explains the story of Jacob marrying Rachel and Leah.

By Grace Alone
We are saints because God has been gracious to us, but we remain sinners. God has forgiven our sins by grace alone.

Jacob and Esau
In Genesis, God is not fair with his blessing. Not because Esau deserved the blessing over Jacob, but because no one deserves his blessing.

Pointing Forward to Jesus
In this devotion, Pastor David explains the how story of Abraham and Isaac points to Jesus.

Abraham and Isaac
In this devotion, Pastor David explains the story of Abraham and Isaac and the historical background of the passage.

Order Out of Chaos
How do you make order out of chaos? According to many cultures' myths, it's through violence. But God doesn't bring order through violence.

Made in the Image
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

The Purpose of Creation
What is the chief end of man? In this devotion, Pastor David describes creation as a temple and explains the purpose of God's creation.
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